Our mission

Giving everyone access to a richer life

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A worldwide problem

Everyone has a financial reality. But very few of us can say that we enjoy a happy, healthy relationship with money.

All too often, it can feel like our finances are something that happen to us, rather than something we can control. That can cause anxiety,  damage our wellbeing and get in the way of us achieving our goals.

We’re changing this

Nooli is here to put the power back in your hands. We’re making personalised financial education accessible to everyone. 
We use a system no one else does. Harness the power of Nooli to achieve any financial goal.
Easy, personalised steps towards a happier, healthier relationship with money.
Discover your unique Finotype™ and how it influences your financial behaviour. Psychology is the key.
Nooli gives you tried-and-tested ways to build your financial knowledge and make progress on your goals. Feel more confident about money by empowering yourself to achieve milestones on your journey to a richer life.
  • Make your money work for you: maximise your budget and free up money for the things you enjoy.
  • Build your financial resilience: protect the things that matter most to you, and feel confident about what lies ahead.
  • Set yourself free: break free from debt and learn how to manage credit responsibly.
  • Learn how to make safe and considered financial decisions: explore investing and grow your savings.

Join our community and discover a richer life

A happier, healthier relationship with money

With a Nooli membership, you can:
Feel less worried about money
Feel more comfortable talking about money
Get the tools you need to achieve your personal financial goals
Access the information you need anywhere, anytime

Our values

Keep it real

We keep it simple and make it straightforward. No jargon. No nonsense. No exceptions. And because we want to give everyone a way to make the financial system work for them, honesty is our only policy. We always say what we’re doing, and do what we’re saying.

Always be kind

We believe in doing good and doing good business. So, as well as helping you improve your financial wellbeing, we’re helping to make the world a better place. In everything we do, we want to foster a community that supports each other in building the society we want to live in. And we want to be the place where everyone can have honest, open conversations about money.

Take people with you

We believe in doing good and doing good business. So, as well as helping you improve your financial wellbeing, we’re helping to make the world a better place. In everything we do, we want to foster a community that supports each other in building the society we want to live in. And we want to be the place where everyone can have honest, open conversations about money.

Our manifesto

Money. From health to happiness, personal relationships to professional ambitions, it plays a huge role in all our lives.

How we see and feel about money impacts how we see ourselves and how we feel in ourselves. How we value our own self-worth. It’s that important. But, for one reason or another, we’re just not comfortable talking about money.

Money is the last taboo. But we’re changing that.

At Nooli and Loqbox, we’re opening up the money conversation. Because from persisting pay gaps, to the deepening cost of living crisis, talking openly and frankly about money is more important than ever. We’re giving everyone access to a richer life. But a richer life can only happen when you’re healthy and in control of all aspects of your wellbeing: physical, mental and, yes, financial.

And while most of us understand the importance of looking after the first two - and are comfortable talking about them - we sometimes overlook the third.

We’re changing this. Where once we lacked the confidence or knowledge, we’re now giving everyone the tools they need to build, maintain and strengthen their financial health.

We’re kickstarting the money conversation. Putting control back into the people’s hands. Because for everyone here at Loqbox and Nooli, money is about more than money. It’s about our individual wellbeing and overall financial health.

2025 Fintech Pledge

We’re part of the 2025 Fintech Pledge (pledge2025.org) to help tackle the UK’s cost-of-living crisis. With one in four adults in financial trouble or at the brink of difficulty (FCA, Oct 2022), the pledge’s ambition is to support circa 20% of the UK population that has been or may be affected by the cost-of-living crisis.