Achieve any financial goal

Feel more confident with money

Buy a house

Get out of debt

Save up for something big

Learn skills for life

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Begin your journey in just a few minutes

Your journey to a happier, healthier relationship with money starts here

You have a goal in mind. Nooli gives you the knowledge you need to succeed.
Follow your plan to make amazing things happen.
We use a system no one else does. Harness the power of Nooli to achieve any financial goal.
Easy, personalised steps towards a happier, healthier relationship with money.
Discover your unique Finotype™ and how it influences your financial behaviour. Psychology is the key.
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Money is a tool to be used, we’ll show you how

Make it your year with Nooli

  • Become a credit master
  • Find new, faster ways to pay debts
  • Reveal your money motivations
  • Build your budgeting skills
  • Complete money saving challenges
  • Reflect and check-in

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After free trial, yearly subscription is £29.99 and automatically renews each year

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Begin living a richer life with Nooli

Overcome the obstacles that stand in your way. It’s time to climb higher than you ever thought possible!

“This is such a lovely app! I feel so calm and positive about what I can achieve. I’m seeing that you can find a better way to deal with financial problems. ”

"I’ve learnt that some behaviours I have when it comes to managing my money are actually a thing and are appropriate. I thought I was being weird but Nooli has helped me feel normal.”

“Nooli really makes you think about things in a different way. It gives you hope. My favourite part was being able to understand what the content was saying for a change.”

“This is such a lovely app! I feel so calm and positive about what I can achieve. I’m seeing that you can find a better way to deal with financial problems. ”

"I’ve learnt that some behaviours I have when it comes to managing my money are actually a thing and are appropriate. I thought I was being weird but Nooli has helped me feel normal.”

“Nooli really makes you think about things in a different way. It gives you hope. My favourite part was being able to understand what the content was saying for a change.”

Join a community on a mission!

Everyone has a financial reality.

And just like your physical and mental health, when it comes to feeling good, your financial health needs looking after too. But all too often, we simply don’t talk about the emotional side of money. We’re changing this.

Nooli isn't just an app; we're a community-driven movement.

Together, we’re on a mission to give everyone access to a richer life. Everyone deserves to feel empowered to achieve their goals.

We want this for you — we want this for everyone — and we can do this, together.

Get ready to build life-changing new habits, spark meaningful conversations with those around you, and achieve the things that matter most to you.

Nooli is here to help you find a clear path towards your goals. A goal without a plan is just a wish. With Nooli, you’ll be realising your ambitions one step at a time.

Let’s make it happen!
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Try Nooli for free

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Make it your year with Nooli

  • Become a credit master
  • Find new, faster ways to pay debts
  • Reveal your money motivations
  • Build your budgeting skills
  • Complete money saving challenges
  • Reflect and check-in

Select a plan:

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After free trial, yearly subscription is £29.99 and automatically renews each year

Terms & conditions

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